Mr.Seki Wrote
(Coordinator):On March 24, we came to Hetsui recuperation house on Sado Island by boat across the Sea of Japan.
The 20 participants were from Fukushima, Yamagata, Ibaraki, and Gunma.
This time round the ages of the children ranged from toddlers and elementary school age, accompanied by their mothers, to junior high age. Most of the participants were from other places outside Fukushima.
Well, "Hettsui-house" is a traditional folk house built more than 100-years ago, with an old-style kitchen stove called "kamado" which in this region are called "hettsui."
We spent 13 days living there together. The work of the Fukushima Support Net Sado staff prepared meals and the participants did all the clean-up work.
Because we don't have sufficient budget for needed repairs the accommodations are yet unfinished. In such conditions, we began life in the camp accepting the situation as it is and striving to enjoy the inconvenience in a spirit of mutual support.
Mr. Hashimoto taught us how to take care of internal organs such as by the method using hot stones, and also did health checks on all members of the group. In the future will be necessary to include such programs of medical education presenting positive ways to boost the immune system and actively protect oneself from the effects of radiation.
Well, we had a various open classes and experiences at the camp. For example, making the traditional local doll of Sado called "tsumami-ningyo", dumpling-making, making miso, and panning for gold.
I think this experience with the bath was felt as a meaningful lesson in life.
On the other hand, elder children eagerly helped take care of small children, or helped them do dishes after meals, naturally bonding like a big family.
In previous camps, we had meetings to a fixed times in morning and evening and children wrote their own thoughts of the day, but this time we had so many toddlers, the meetings were irregular and informal.
At one such meeting in the evening, people talked about themselves and why they had joined this recuperation program. One mother described how she felt alone in suffering with her worries about radiation, another had evacuated with her children to Yonezawa, Yamagata Prefecture from Fukushima, while others described worries about their children's ill-health.
At this meeting, we heard people speak their true hearts on nuclear power and radiation.
Actually, one of the purposes of this camp is to face the reality of what radioactivity is, and the best ways of learning how to live with it, and accepting people's different responses. But it will surely take time for such mothers wrestling with such issues in their own hearts to develop the courage and strength to live by their own lights.
Participants returned home after finishing 13 days of the camp on April 5.
In addition, while watching the Island shrink away in the distance, tears came for the pain of allowing children to return to a dark place of radioactivity.
I felt strongly the government should admit the "right of evacuation" for people wishing to move from contamination area and start new life.
Next time we are planning to camp in the summer months.
Planning is ongoing for a four week camp in the summer months.
We will do it, though there are certainly many problems in developing a management structure for this new organization. How to manage money for the next camp and continue the program is always a pressing concern. This is my destiny.
We are very thankful for your continuing support for the Sado recuperation camp program.
- Hisao Seki
Ms. Harada wrote (Coordinator):
The 13-day camp ended successfully and without mishap on April 5.
Thank you so very much for supporting us.
This time round, the amount of work was sometimes more than the staff could easily handle by themselves.
But thanks to the cooperation of the mothers who participated with their small children, I think that we had a good and enriching camp program. I felt that we were like one big family, with every adult treating every child as they would their own.
This was now the fifth time that we organized this kind of recuperation camp. However, I am still amazed when I see people who don't know each other previously become one big family in a moment.
In such a camp there are also people who support us from afar in manifold ways. I feel like these connections transcend time and place.
I feel that the powers of life generate an enormous energy and spirit, which shines brightly on all involved. With such spirit, I think we can survive anything that comes our way. I certainly felt so at that moment.Although there were many bouts of ill health among the participants, the mothers participating were able to share a lot of their wisdom about such things also.
That 's one of the best aspects of recuperation camping.
I think that looking forward, we would like to continue providing such a space, while extending its example not only to Fukushima but to every other region.
However, because Sado is an island, keeping adequate field staffing is always a challenge.
Then again, there's of course also a financial aspect to this problem. Unfortunately, cooperation from the Japanese Government and Tepco are not forthcoming.
I'm thinking towards the upcoming camp in the summer and have plans to attempt to recruit some staff from the mainland also.
We will let you know when the details of the next camp are set.
The summercamp will be held from Saturday, July 27 to Saturday August 24.
Now that another session has finished, we thank everyone concerned with this camp's success for their continuing support, and extend our thanks to all participants for sharing in this special time and place. - Tomoyo Harada
Fukushima-Sado ’Open-shut hands’ Recuperation Camp 2013 Spring
Schedule: For 13 days (Sunday, March 24 - Friday, April 5, 2013)
The place for the camp: "Hettsui house" in Sado Island in Niigata prefecture
Number of Children: 15 children
Target population: Living in the high contaminated areas (Fakushima, Miyagi, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Gunma, Chiba)
(If joining without parents)
・Under-third-grade-elementary student to infant (required with parents)
Possible to enroll whole family (need to talk)
To enroll handicaped children, need to talk
If joining midway or rescheduling on the half camp, parents must arrange or provide transportation themselves
The fee:
1,500 Yen /day (including meals, stays, health insurance) ×day
(If all days attended would be 18,000 Yen.)
Group transportation by bus to/from Fukushima station is included.
1.A strong desire to join
2. Willing and able to cooperate with other participants
3. Ability to manage themselves.
Camp sponsor : ”Fukushima-Sado ’Open-shut hands’ Recuperation Camp”
How is the Camp ..?
The main theme of the camp life
is to "Learn sustainable living with nature." and cooperate with others.
To share in cooking and cleanup,
helping with gardening work or hand work,
joining workshop to learn from local people,
have a workshop for the health and healing sometimes,
This year we are planing to Miso-making and Kid's Yoga.
We are going to health check when arrive the camp on the first day by the natural medicine.
There is a large yard (for playing soccer!)
Children are able to play freely.
We are taking care to provide good meals for the body and heart,
which are also tasty!
More information will be provided with the application.
About the last summer camp
Transportation schedule:
Sunday, March 24
morning 8:00 Bus departs Fukushima station
for Niigata prefecture
12:35 board ferry from port of Niigata
15:05 Arrive at Ryotsu port, Sado Island
16:00 Arrive at "Hettsui house"
Friday, April 5,
morning 8:00 Leave from "Hettsui house" ...
9:15 board ferry from Ryotsu port
11:45 Arrive at Niigata port; Leave for Fukushima by bus
15:00 Arrive at Fukushima Station ... Farewells.
About the personal information.
We are going to take a picture or take a video for the record.
Some of these may be used for our website or pamphlets reporting to our supporters and in the development of future programs.
By joining you agree to this usage.
Private information will be used only as necessary for the activities of the camp and will not open to others.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.
For the registration of attending the camp,
please contact with
Mr. Hisao Seki who is a cheef derecor of the camp:
address: 17 Aza Hosokura, Ryozen town ooishi,Date city, Fukushima, Japan 〒960-0804 011-81-24-587-1032Cell: 011-81-80-5227-2110FAX: 024-587-1082
For information regarding the schedule or accommodations:Ms. Masayo Harada
Address: 256 Yahata town, Sado city, Niigata, Japan 〒952-1313 011-90-6625-4022FAX: 0259-63-3848
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